Entry Halls, why they are so important and why it could make or break your sale!
It’s the first glimpse a potential buyer will get of your home. It may either spark their interest or make them want to turn and run so you need to get it right! Let’s pretend for a moment that you are the buyer. Go stand outside your front door with the door closed and look around…what do you see? If the answer is cobwebs in the corners, a dirty light fitting or chipped paint on the front door then you know what you need to do.
Let’s go inside…entry halls vary greatly but whatever the size, it needs to be defined as an entry. This can be done with the use of furniture, be it a hall table or inviting seat. I’m not a great fan of artwork in the entry unless it is a grand space but it needs to be selected carefully. Please don’t hang something that has no connection to space or simply doesn’t suit. A mirror is a great option but again, please select a frame that has a connection with the area and size does matter! What does the mirror reflect? Ensure it’s pleasing to the eye. I am not a fan of the family picture gallery greeting potential buyers as they walk through the front door. Remember we are trying to depersonalise the space.
I know it’s very easy to use your hall table as a dumping ground for keys, mail etc. but please try to resist the urge. If you do find you’re fighting a losing battle, then at the very least provide a gorgeous brass or pewter bowl, please avoid glass or anything transparent as you don’t need to provide a bird’s eye view to its contents.
Indoor greenery is currently enjoying a revival so if you’re tempted to add a little life to your entry, ferns are usually a good option but read the care tag first…a dead plant is not very welcoming.